Please complete the form below with the details of your desired stay, from December 12, 2025. A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible and, depending on your presence and availability, will offer you the chance to visit the hotel's showroom.
Thank you for your booking request !
First Name Name:
Phone Number:
Arrival date:
Departure date:
Number of adults:
Number of children:
Room category:
Number of rooms:
Your request has been processed
A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible and, depending on your presence and availability, will offer you the chance to visit the hotel's showroom.
+33 6 84 38 73 42
The endless blue, the harmonic combination of natural shades and elegant furnishings, give you a sense of peace and make you feel like home away from home.
Unsurpassed Comfort
The rooms and suites at Maya Hotel are thoughtfully designed with spacious layouts and sophisticated décor. Whether you're seeking a cozy escape or a more expansive space, our rooms and suites offer the highest levels of comfort and serenity.
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